Today, Jiangsu Pengfei has exported a batch of Indonesian nickel ore rotary kiln to the Fengshan Port for shipment. This shipment is part of the 18 nickel ore equipments invested by Deron Nickel in Indonesia.  becoming the largest nickel project investor in Indonesia.
In addition to its application in the cement industry, the rotary kiln produced by Pengfei has taken the lead in innovation and expansion of non-ferrous metals such as lime, high-phosphorus, nickel, chromium, iron and lithium. The coal is highly clean and upgraded, coal dry distillation, shale oil extraction, Titanium dioxide, magnesium oxide, zinc oxide, solid waste, hazardous waste, garbage, sludge incineration and other building materials, metallurgy, chemical, environmental protection applications. More than 70% of the rotary kiln is used in industries other than cement. It is precisely because of the pre-layout and self-transformation before the national “de-capacity” policy, so the market contraction capacity changes rapidly, Pengfei is not affected much.

En la actualidad, Pengfei Group tiene cuatro bases de producción, más de 200,000 metros cuadrados de planta de fabricación de equipos modernos, 180 conjuntos de equipos de procesamiento especiales, como una máquina talladora de engranajes de 13 metros, un automóvil vertical de 13 metros y un torno de piso de 7,2 metros. Tiene producción en masa de grandes hornos rotatorios y equipos de molienda. La capacidad de fabricación tiene una capacidad de producción integral anual de 300.000 toneladas.

This year, Pengfei Group has newly signed 10 sets of Indonesian nickel ore rotary kiln, with a single contract amount of 130 million yuan. Nowadays, the company's products have been exported to more than 60 countries including Germany, Mongolia, Indonesia and Algeria, including 24 countries along the “Belt and Road”,The project general contracting project has maintained growth for 6 consecutive years, successfully driving China. The design, construction, production capacity, equipment and technology of the building materials industry are “going out”.

Facing the new situation, Pengfei Group clearly proposed to transform from equipment manufacturing to service manufacturing, and to create a “transitional” turnkey project from design, civil engineering, equipment manufacturing, transportation, commissioning and production to a large industrial furnace and energy saving. The grinding equipment is the core engineering general contracting industrial chain, extending to the environmental protection, metallurgy, chemical and other industries, expanding the company's business and increasing the new growth space for profit.

Pengfei products are manufactured in strict accordance with national and industrial standards, and the quality is excellent; Pengfei Group's services are perfect, timely, honest and trustworthy. The laterite nickel ore rotary kiln-mining furnace production line has a large investment, the value of the host equipment is large, the design service life is long, and the cheap and unsatisfactory products are selected for cheaper, which will bring a lot of faults, frequent downtime maintenance, and endless troubles!

Elige Pengfei, ¡nunca te arrepientas!


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