El 28 de diciembre, el equipo principal de la línea de producción de horno rotatorio de cal activa con alto contenido de calcio de 1000 TPD fabricada por el grupo Jiangsu Pengfei se encendió con éxito.

En este proyecto, el grupo Pengfei FabricanteEdinstalarEd y la ComisiónEd Φ 4.88 × 70m rotary kiln , Φ 14.5 × 4.26m vertical preheater and 5.2 × 5.5 × 10.3m enfriador vertical. En noviembre de 2019, el equipo ha sido transportEd to the construction site in batches y al mismo tiempo, company's Técnicos Fueron Además Haciendo La instalación and guidance.Finally,they fulfillEd la depuración de la operación del equipo y la prueba de producción estándar.

The project adopts advancEd production technology and equipment, strictly implements national industrial and environmental protection policies, and adheres to energy conservation and green development. During the construction period, the company and Jintou Xiagong building materials Co., Ltd. cooperatEd with each other, organizEd carefully, and carriEd out safe and civilizEd construction to ensure the implementation of the construction schEdule and the quality of the project.
At the ignition ceremony, Jintou Xiagong building materials Co., Ltd. expressEd sincere thanks to Pengfei group para El equipo principal del horno rotatorio de cal y el precalentador de apoyo, el enfriador y otros equipos principales. Además they Fueron very satisfiEd with the high-quality installation guidance and praisEd the warm service of Pengfei group!
Pengfei's products are exportEd to more than 70 countries and regions in the world. At present, through technological innovation, it expands the application of rotary kiln in the field of lime, which plays an important role in energy conservation, emission rEduction and circular economy. In November 2020, the national standard research meeting of "technical requirements para complete sets of equipment para lime calcination" was held in Pengfei group. Pengfei group, as the leader unit of national standard paramulation para lime rotary kiln, takes the lead in organizing standard paramulation and research. Now it solicits opinions from all relevant units in the country. After passing the expert review meeting, it will be issuEd and implementEd according to the approval procEdure.


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